Paul Yankey, Chief Advancement Officer, REI HQ
As REI grows, so does our need for resources to support that growth. We’re excited to let you know that Paul Yankey has joined as Chief Advancement Officer. We’ve asked Paul to introduce himself.
Life is a beautiful and amazing gift! I deeply value, care, celebrate and empathize with the journeys and lives of those I’m privileged to encounter. Heart connection and impact are my passions and what have led me to recently join REI. In this capacity I connect with and clear the way for those called to donate to the work of REI as well as advancing areas of service.
REI is an organization I’ve known and connected with for a decade. I knew REI’s founder Doug Sparks well and was privileged to be mentored by him. I’ve volunteered with REI in a variety of ways including being a part of short-term business trips, being invited to and joining the board, and most recently serving as chairman of the board.
Three years ago, I finished a 30-year career working for companies such as Salesforce, Dell, Cisco Systems and VC-funded startups. The last few years, I have been consulting and speaking with organizations on ways to practically incorporate heart and love in their operations and sales practices. I invest part of my time with my city’s suicide prevention efforts, leading support groups and being privileged to mentor with men of all ages. I also teach at the University of Colorado in their School of Business.
The refrain “It is Time” is my current life theme. I believe we are alive in a time uniquely established and aligned to reach hearts all over the world. There is a growing awareness and ability to connect and share in ways never before imagined, and REI is fortified to embrace this opportunity.
I am blessed to have a family with my beautiful wife, Deanne, four adult children, and nine grandchildren. We live in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
I welcome connecting with you and share my email address if you would like to contact me: