Summer interns Delaney Webb, Bryce Harkrider, Peder Solberg, and Nick Sammons recently arrived in Indonesia to take part in a summer internship with the Boaz Project. All four recently graduated with their undergraduate degrees, and are eager to see how they can use their education and experiences to "build people to build a nation."
Delaney is from Kalamazoo, MI and recently earned her Bachelor of Science in Food Science degree from Iowa State University (ISU). Delaney hopes to join the food industry in a technical services or ingredients applications position, and to contribute to nutritional foods that enhance consumers’ lives and improve food supply. Her ultimate goal is to work for food security using her knowledge of ingredient functionality and processing.
Bryce is from Frisco, TX and recently earned his Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering degree from Oklahoma State University (OSU). Bryce wants to live and work internationally where he can network with other engineers.
Peder is from Brookings, SD and recently earned his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree (with a minor in Biomedical Engineering) at South Dakota State University. Bryce looks forward to attending graduate school to earn his doctorate in engineering. He wants to work in a private industry research and development group, and continue to serve overseas putting his engineering skills to work.

Nick is from Golden, CO and recently earned his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree from Colorado School of Mines. Once completing his internship with REI, he will pursue a Master’s in Engineering and Technology Management, also from School of Mines. His professional goals include completing his master’s degree, and helping build up communities around the world.
The interns will be in-country for seven weeks and will be creating new and improved dehydration technologies that are suitable for rural areas in Indonesia. While there have been about four iterations of convection dryers in the Boaz Project, they desire to investigate different dehydration mechanisms in order to create new products for new markets that can create more jobs and additional income for families. The interns will also be working specifically with freeze drying, trying a range of tropical fruits to see if new markets can be opened for the villagers of Kediri, East Java. New products could include those with lower added-sugar, better nutrient retention, and freeze-dried fruits.
Part of the internship includes studying the Indonesian language, and living with Indonesian families. The interns will be working together with five women from Brawijaya University, the premier university of East Java. Near the end of their internship, this team will create a joint presentation of their work to share what they've learned.
Hopefully the impact of the interns’ work will go beyond advancing the Boaz Project with new technologies. Through their interactions with students and host families, the interns will be sharing their lives, culture, work ethics, values and a commitment to professionalism.
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