gift planning
Engage with REI's Gift Planning
REI would welcome working with you, or your financial advisor, to explore the many options of legacy gifting available. There can be great value in understanding and being aware of the options available to you, and which may provide great assistance with your estate planning. These may include: gifts in your will (bequests), tax-free IRA rollovers, beneficiary designations, engagement with donor-advised funds for family involvement, and tax-saving gifts of appreciated stocks or bonds. We'd be happy to align you with a third party financial advisor to discuss any of these options if this would be helfpul.
Together, let's empower generations to come and the ongoing important work of REI.
If you are interested in learning about ways you can support our organization or how to maximize the impact of your giving, we have a number of resources to assist you. Please click the link below to start the process.
"It is an honor to partner with them in their work."
Dr. Austin & Sara Raunikar, investing in REI professionally and financially